December 10, 2024

Top 80 Teacher and Educator Awards

This article compiles 80 of the most prestigious and important educator awards available to teachers and school administrators across the US. These top education awards aim to recognize, highlight, and honor the outstanding efforts and remarkable achievements of educators who go above and beyond not only in the classroom but also outside it to deliver high-quality instruction, inspire innovation, and motivate students to achieve their full potential.

What Are Educator Awards?

Educator awards can refer to a wide range of prizes, certifications, and recognitions that aim to reward exceptional teachers and administrators for the excellence that they bring to the education sector in general, their districts and schools in specific, and - most importantly - their students. Teacher awards can include national or local recognition at industry events, sponsored attendance at major conferences, honorary mentions on relevant websites and publications, special certifications, access to professional development opportunities, and monetary prizes.

In this article, we’ve gathered the most prominent awards available to US educators from public and private schools as well as homeschooling teachers. They cover opportunities in all school subjects and afterschool activities in addition to all grade levels, from preschool to 12th grade and even colleges and universities.

The Importance of Awards in the Education Field

Recognizing the efforts and achievements of educators is crucially important. The current environment is characterized by teacher shortages and long-term vacancies across most states and districts as the result of decreasing real wages, insufficient career advancement opportunities, and generally unsatisfactory experiences. Special awards are one of the educator perks that show that the importance of the teacher profession has not been forgotten.

In specific, education awards bring the following benefits:

  • Motivating teachers and other educators to enhance their efforts and be the best versions of themselves inside and outside the classroom
  • Driving innovation, creativity, and inspiration in the instructional process
  • Inspiring positive competition that improves the overall quality of education
  • Promoting a culture of recognition and acknowledgement of efforts
  • Instilling a sense of achievement and personal fulfillment

The top 80 educator awards available in the US are:

1. Afterschool Awards

  • Eligible subjects: Afterschool programs
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Various
  • Awarder: Afterschool Alliance
  • Award type and size: Different awards and grants
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The Afterschool Awards of the Afterschool Alliance recognize excellence in the afterschool field for programs that work tirelessly to advance literacy, STEM learning, and other crucial subject areas. Awards include the New York Life Foundation Aim High Grants, the Dollar General Afterschool Literacy Award, the MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Award, and the STEM Impact Award.

2. Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program

  • Eligible subjects: STEM disciplines
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Minimum 5 complete years of full-time classroom teaching experience, teaching full-time in a public or private elementary or secondary school district in the US for at least 5 of the last 7 years in a STEM discipline, and currently employed as an educator or district official
  • Awarder: The Office of Science at the U.S. Department of Energy
  • Award type and size: 11-month fellowship and monthly living stipend of $7,500
  • Application/nomination process: Online applications including personal and professional information, five essay questions, and three letters of recommendation.

The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program offers fellows the opportunity to work in a federal agency or a U.S. Congressional office to bring their extensive knowledge and experience in the classroom to education programs and education policy efforts.

3. Aldo Leopold Award

  • Eligible subjects: Environmental education
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: Wisconsin State
  • Other eligibility criteria: WAEE Members
  • Awarder: The Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE)
  • Award type and size: Recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The Aldo Leopold Award is the WAEE’s most prestigious honor presented for long-term, exemplary service to the WAEE and the field of environmental education in Wisconsin.

4. Amazon Future Engineer Teacher Ambassadors

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria
  • Awarder: Amazon and Amazon Future Engineer
  • Award type and size: Two-year fellowship including small yearly stipend, cohort experience with in-person and online networking opportunities, curated professional development with focus on design for equity for CS access, travel to annual convenings and access to CS & Tech conferences, exclusive access to Amazon employees and education products, and opportunity to develop communication and presentation skills
  • Application/nomination process: Online applications

The Amazon Future Engineer Teacher Ambassadors is a two-year paid fellowship experience with curated equity by design professional development and industry access to Amazon in an effort to increase access to computer science and technology to all students and teachers.

5. American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Teaching Assistant Award

  • Eligible subjects: Physics
  • Eligible grades: All relevant
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Membership at the AAPT
  • Awarder: The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
  • Award type and size: Certificate, letter of recognition, sample press release for local media, and  complimentary one-year Student Membership in the AAPT with electronic access to The American Journal of Physics and The Physics Teacher
  • Application/nomination process: Physics Department Chairs who are AAPT members can nominate two Outstanding Teaching Assistants at the institution.

The AAPT Teaching Assistant Award highlights outstanding contributors in the Physics Teaching Community.

6. American Chemical Society (ACS) Regional Awards for Excellence in High School Teaching Award

  • Eligible subjects: Chemistry and chemical science
  • Eligible grades: 9-12 (high school)
  • Geographic eligibility: All ACS Regions
  • Other eligibility criteria: Awarded locally; teaching chemistry or chemical science on at least half-time basis
  • Awarder: The Division of Chemical Education (DivCHED)
  • Award type and size: Cash award, plaque, and reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses to the Regional Meeting
  • Application/nomination process: Individuals who are not members of the award selection committee or currently enrolled students of the teacher can nominate one candidate.

The ACS Regional Awards for Excellence in High School Teaching Award aims to recognize, encourage, and stimulate outstanding teachers of high-school chemistry in the ACS Regions.

7. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) National Language Teacher of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: Foreign languages
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: One candidate per state
  • Awarder: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
  • Award type and size: Recognition and opportunities to present at conferences
  • Application/nomination process: Each state’s foreign language association or other designated body can submit a nomination form and accompanying portfolio of one state-sponsored foreign language teacher of the year candidate to the state’s regional language organization.

The ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year program aims to raise the status of language teaching professionals at the state, regional, and national level by offering recognition to the most accomplished members of the profession.

8. American Historical Association (AHA) Beveridge Family Teaching Prize

  • Eligible subjects: American history
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Individuals in odd-numbered years and groups in even-numbered years
  • Awarder: The American Historical Association (AHA) and the Beneridge family
  • Award type and size: $1,000
  • Application/nomination process: Applicants can nominate themselves, and individuals can nominate others by providing a nomination letter, CV, and supporting materials.

The AHA Beveridge Family Teaching Prize recognizes excellence and innovation in elementary, middle, and secondary history teaching including career contributions and specific initiatives.

9. American Library Association (ALA) Scholastic Library Publishing Award

  • Eligible subjects: N/A
  • Eligible grades: N/A
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Librarians from different libraries and organizations
  • Awarder: The American Library Association (ALA) and Scholastic
  • Award type and size: $1,000 and 24k gold-framed certification
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations via an online form providing information about the nominee

The annual ALA Scholastic Library Publishing Award is presented to a librarian whose unusual contribution to the stimulation and guidance of reading by children and young people serves as an example of outstanding achievement in the profession.

10. American Mathematical Society (AMS) Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics

  • Eligible subjects: Mathematics
  • Eligible grades: Pre-college and first two years of college
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Individual mathematician or group of mathematicians
  • Awarder: The American Mathematical Society (AMS)
  • Award type and size: $1,000
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by colleagues via an online form.

The AMS Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics is presented annually to a mathematician or group of mathematicians who have made significant contributions of lasting value to the mathematics education by working directly with pre-college students to enhance teacher’s impact on the mathematics achievement of all students or improving the mathematics education of students in the first two years of college.

11. American Psychological Association (APA) TOPSS Charles T. Blair-Broeker Excellence in Teaching Award

  • Eligible subjects: Psychology
  • Eligible grades: High school
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: The school must be an affiliate of the APA.
  • Awarder: The Board of Educational Affairs and TOPSS
  • Award type and size: $500, engraved award, framed certificate, free TOPSS membership renewal for the following membership year, complimentary copies of the APA Style’s Publication Manual and Concise Guide to the APA Style books, and curated $200 value package of APA books selected by the APA TOPSS committee
  • Application/nomination process: High-school psychology teachers can apply or be nominated by a colleague, supervisor, administrator, or student.

The APA TOPSS Charles T. Blair-Broeker Excellencin Teaching Award is given to three teachers each year to recognize outstanding high-school teachers in psychology.

12. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Thomas A. Lenox Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Leadership Award

  • Eligible subjects: Civil engineering
  • Eligible grades: N/A
  • Geographic eligibility: Member of the ASCE
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Award type and size: Small trophy or plaque
  • Application/nomination process: You can nominate candidates by submitting their CV and a short citation of their major accomplishments.

The ASCE ExCEEd Leadership Award recognizes members of the ASCE who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership in support of civil engineering education. This educator award is given to up to three individuals per year as long as they were co-leaders of the same substantial project.

13. Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) Program

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12 and higher education
  • Geographic eligibility: Global
  • Other eligibility criteria: Using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning
  • Awarder: Apple
  • Award type and size: Opportunities for professional development through networking with peers around the world
  • Application/nomination process: Calls for applications are open every few years. You need to submit an application video.

The Apple Distinguished Educators program recognizes educators from around the world who are using Apple technology to transform the teaching and learning process as pioneers in education and active leaders.

14. Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Teacher of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: CTE
  • Eligible grades: Middle/secondary level
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Classroom/laboratory CTE teachers at the middle/secondary school level with at least 5 years of teaching experience; members of their state ACTE for consideration at the state level
  • Awarder: The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations need to include description of the candidate’s qualifications, letter of support, photo, and interviews at the regional and national levels.

The ACTE Teacher of the Year award honors the finest career and technical teachers at the middle/secondary level who have demonstrated innovation in the classroom, commitment to their students, and dedication to the improvement of CTE in their institutions and communities.

15. Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) Educator of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: Middle school
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE)
  • Award type and size: Plaque, one-year individual membership to the AMLE, complimentary registration and lodging to the AMLE annual conference, and $1,000
  • Application/nomination process: Candidates need to submit a native, resume, supporting documents, and nominee form.

The annual AMLE Educator of the Year award honors outstanding practitioners in middle-level education who have made an impact on the lives of young adolescents with a significant body of work and have advanced the field of middle-level education through leadership, vision, and advocacy.

16. Association of American Educators (AAE) Foundation Teacher Scholarship

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states except Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon, and Washington as they have their own competitions
  • Other eligibility criteria: Full-time educators who have not received a scholarship or grant from the AAE in the past two years
  • Awarder: The Association of American Educators (AAE)
  • Award type and size: $500 for professional development including educational conferences or classroom materials
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The AAE Foundation Teacher Scholarship aims to provide teachers and leaders with opportunities, information, and funds to reform and improve the education of America’s youth.

17. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grants

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: Global
  • Other eligibility criteria: Mostly U.S. 501(c)(3) organizations and other tax-exempt organizations
  • Awarder: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Award type and size: Variable grants
  • Application/nomination process: Online applications

The United States Program Division of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides grants to ensure everyone in the US can learn, grow, and get ahead, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, and family income.

18. Breakthrough Junior Challenge Prize

  • Eligible subjects: Science
  • Eligible grades: High school
  • Geographic eligibility: Global
  • Other eligibility criteria: High-school students
  • Awarder: Breakthrough Junior Challenge
  • Award type and size: $250,000 post-secondary scholarship, $100,000 Breakthrough Science Lab, and $50,000 teacher prize
  • Application/nomination process: Video applications

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is an annual science video competition for high-school students. The teacher of the winner receives a $50,000 prize.

19. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Various
  • Awarder: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
  • Award type and size: Various
  • Application/nomination process: Various

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching recognizes and honors excellence in teaching in different ways.

20. CEL Teacher-Leader of Excellence Award

  • Eligible subjects: English
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: NCTE member
  • Awarder: The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and the Conference on English Leadership (CEL)
  • Award type and size: Certificate
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations including at least two letters of recommendation and CV

The CEL Teacher-Leader of Excellence Award recognizes a classroom teacher who leads in and out of the classroom by amplifying student voices and finds ways to contribute to the broader school and educational communities.

21. Civic Learning Award of Excellence for California Public Schools

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: California State
  • Other eligibility criteria: Public school educators
  • Awarder: The Chief Justice of California and the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Award type and size: Recognition and funding for the program/activity
  • Application/nomination process: Online application

The Civic Learning Award of Excellence for California Public Schools celebrates successful efforts to engage students in civic learning and to identify successful models that can be replicated in other schools.

22. Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Educator of Distinction Award

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Superintendents, principals, teachers, coaches, band instructors, and counselors
  • Awarder: The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
  • Award type and size: Recognition and grant
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations

The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Educator of Distinction Award aims to celebrate an educator who has greatly impacted the Foundation’s vision of education.

23. Colorado Teacher of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: K-12
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: Colorado State
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The Colorado Department of Education (CDE)
  • Award type and size: Professional development opportunities, honoring at a special ceremony at the White House, and opportunity to go to NASA’s Space Camp
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

With the Colorado Teacher of the Year award, the Colorado Department of Education honors an exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable, and skilled K-12 classroom teacher to represent the entire profession in the state and become Colorado’s nominee for the National Teacher of the Year competition.

24. Council for Economic Education (CEE) John Morton Excellence in the Teaching of Economics Award

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The Council for Economic Education (CEE)
  • Award type and size: $1,000 cash prize, opportunity to co-facilitate a session at the CEE’s Annual Financial Literacy and Economic Education Conference, covered registration, travel, and accommodation expenses to attend the Conference, opportunity to have their lessons highlighted on CEE’s EconEdLink, recognition on the CEE website and in CEE’s EconEdLink November newsletter, and plaque
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

With the John Morton Excellence in the Teaching of Economics Award, every year the CEE recognizes three inspiring K-12 teachers of any subject that use exemplary teaching techniques to improve their students’ economic understanding inside and outside the classroom.

25. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Teacher of the Year Award

  • Eligible subjects: Instructors to students with disabilities and/or gifts and talents
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Be a CEC member, currently provide direct services to students with disabilities and/or gifts and talents, and hold professional certification in the area
  • Awarder: The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
  • Award type and size: Complimentary registration to attend the CEC Convention & Expo, recognition, receipt of a commemorative plaque at an Awards Luncheon, $500 cash honorarium, being featured in a press release on the CEC website, travel to and hotel accommodations at the CEC Convention & Expo, $2,000 cash award, and $1,000 “use how you choose” classroom grant on behalf of the sponsor
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations can be made by individuals who are currently or have been employed in the field of education/special education or by a CEC-affiliated organization and have direct knowledge of the nominee’s work supporting students and teachers.

The annual CEC Teacher of the Year award recognizes a CEC member teacher who is currently providing instruction to students with disabilities and/or gifts and talents and is an outstanding member of the profession.

26. Council of Chief State School Offices (CCSSO) National Teacher of the Year (NTOY)

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: State Teachers of the Year
  • Awarder: The Council of Chief State School Offices (CCSSO)
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: One teacher is from the cohort of State Teachers of the Year.

The CCSSO National Teacher of the Year (NTOY) is the absolutely most prestigious educator award and teacher recognition in the country. It’s a singular role for an educator who has demonstrated excellence in the classroom, exceptional commitment to their students and profession, and skills in public speaking and advocacy.

27. CS Teaching Excellence Award

  • Eligible subjects: Computer science
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Encouraged to be an CSTE member
  • Awarder: The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTE)
  • Award type and size: $7,500 cash prize, complimentary registration, travel, and lodging for the CSTA Annual Conference, recognition at the CSTA Awards Reception and on the CSTA website, featured article that shares their work published in CSTA’s The Voice, and one year of complimentary CSTA+ membership
  • Application/nomination process: Two-part online application

The CS Teaching Excellence Award recognizes K-12 computer science educators whose commitment and excellence have helped the development of CS education and technology.

28. Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) Educators Book Award

  • Eligible subjects: N/A
  • Eligible grades: N/A
  • Geographic eligibility: Global
  • Other eligibility criteria: Women authors
  • Awarder: The Delta Kappa Gamma International Educators Foundation (DKGIEF) Educators Award Fund
  • Award type and size: $2,500
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations

The DKG Educators Book Award recognizes women authors whose books are thought-provoking, current, and relative to a wide audience of educators with potential for significant influence on society and education.

29. Department of Defense (DoD) STEM Ambassadors

  • Eligible subjects: STEM
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Working with historically underrepresented or military-connected students
  • Awarder: The Department of Defense STEM Education Consortium (DSEC), DoD STEM, and TGR Foundation
  • Award type and size: Access to the DoD STEM Ambassadors network to work together to create and curate remote learning and digital materials such as lesson plans, learning activities, and creative engagement approaches to be shared with educators
  • Application/nomination process: Ongoing applications

The DoD STEM Ambassador Program recognizes outstanding educators who are committed to working with historically underrepresented and/or military-connected students and promotes STEM learning across the nation.

30. Department of Defence Education Activity (DoDEA) Teacher of the Year (TOY)

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Full-time, US-certified teachers with 3+ years of teaching at a DoDEA school
  • Awarder: The Department of Defence Education Activity (DoDEA)
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations in writing by a peer, administrator, parent, or student

The DoDEA Teacher of the Year program recognizes and honors outstanding educators at a DoDEA school who exemplify the qualities of professionalism and excellence in the teaching workforce and provide the best education to military-connected students.

31. Earthwatch Teach Earth Fellowship

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: Earthwatch
  • Award type and size: 7-to-14-day fellowship
  • Application/nomination process: Online application

The Earthwatch Teach Earth Fellowship provides educators with a 7-to-14-day opportunity to step outside the classroom and work with scientists studying nature, learning real-world research protocols, and record critical field data to drive scientific progress and help shape a better future.

32. Edutopia Schools That Work

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Schools and districts
  • Awarder: Edutopia
  • Award type and size: Recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Selection

In the series Schools That Work, Edutopia highlights schools and districts where successes are made through collaboration between principals, teachers, parents, and students to change the future of young people.

33. Excellence in Teaching about Agriculture Award

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the National Agriculture in the Classroom Consortium
  • Award type and size: Honorarium of $500 and up to $1,500 for travel related expenses to the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference
  • Application/nomination process: State-level applications

The annual Excellence in Teaching about Agriculture Award recognizes exceptional state-selected teachers for their efforts in teaching agricultural concepts in their curriculum.

34. Excellence in Teaching Awards

  • Eligible subjects: Reading and math
  • Eligible grades: K-5
  • Geographic eligibility: South Carolina State
  • Other eligibility criteria: Meeting Street Schools and its partner schools
  • Awarder: Excellence in Teaching Awards
  • Award type and size: Awards are based on students’ classroom and personal growth
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations

The Excellence in Teaching Awards recognize teachers who make a true impact on the academic advancement of students in schools with the highest needs and celebrate the life-changing work of transformative educators at zero cost to partner schools. This is done by paying teachers who achieve better results more.

35. ExxonMobil Teacher STEM Training Program

  • Eligible subjects: STEM
  • Eligible grades: Middle school
  • Geographic eligibility: Houston, TX
  • Other eligibility criteria: Title 1 schools
  • Awarder: ExxonMobil
  • Award type and size: $7,000 in stipends, substitute teacher pay covered, 12 university credit hours, and STEM certificate
  • Application/nomination process: Online applications

The ExxonMobil Teacher STEM Training Program aims to enhance the STEM knowledge of middle-school math and science teachers at Title 1 schools in the Houston area, inspire new ways of delivering STEM content to students, engage teachers in sustained, research-based professional development opportunities and innovative instructional practices, and diversify the talent pool of future engineers.

36. Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Hold at least a bachelor’s degree, reside in the US, have 3+ years of instructional experience at a US school or district, and be currently employed full-time in a student-facing role in a US K-12 educational institution or school district
  • Awarder: Fulbright
  • Award type and size: 3-to-6-month research and professional learning experiences abroad
  • Application/nomination process: Online application

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Research Program gives curious, flexible, and independent K-12 educators an opportunity to conduct research and engage in professional learning experiences abroad for a period of 3 to 6 months.

37. Google for Education Certified Innovator Program

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: Global
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: Google for Education
  • Award type and size: Certification
  • Application/nomination process: Online application

The Google for Education Certified Innovator Program recognizes and supports top educators who are excited to grow professionally, advocate for impactful technology, and innovate to improve classrooms, schools, and local communities.

38. State Farm Good Neighbor Citizenship Community Grants

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Educational institutions, programs conducted by municipal, county, state or federal government entities that align with the State Farm charitable focus, 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organizations, and 501(c)(4) volunteer fire companies
  • Awarder: State Farm
  • Award type and size: Variable community grants
  • Application/nomination process: By invitation only

Under the Good Neighbor Citizenship program, State Farm provides education funding that is directed at initiatives that support K-12 academic performance, K-12 STEM education, pathways for college and career success, and higher education.

39. Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History History Teacher of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: History
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
  • Award type and size: $10,000
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by students, parents, fellow teachers, and community members for state contestants. The state winners participate in the national competition.

The History Teacher of the Year program of the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History recognizes excellence in the teaching of history at the K-12 level.

40. H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: Texas State
  • Other eligibility criteria: Public school professionals
  • Awarder: The H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards
  • Award type and size: Cash and grants
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards aim to honor outstanding Texas public school professionals, pay tribute to those educators who go the extra mile to serve their students and communities and inspire others to do the same, and thank them for their dedication and commitment. Award categories include Teachers, Principals, School Counselors, School Districts, School Boards, and Early Childhood Centers.

41. Horace Mann Awards for Teaching Excellence

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Public school educators
  • Awarder: Horace Mann and the NEA Foundation
  • Award type and size: National recognition and grant
  • Application/nomination process: Selected among recipients of the Travelers Insurance Award for Teaching Excellence

The annual Horace Mann Awards for Teaching Excellence celebrate five exceptional public school educators who have received the Travelers Insurance Award for Teaching Excellence by the NEA Foundation.

42. International Literacy Association (ILA) Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award

  • Eligible subjects: Reading methods and reading-related sources
  • Eligible grades: College and university
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The International Literacy Association (ILA)
  • Award type and size: $1,000
  • Application/nomination process: Online application or nomination

The ILA Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award honors an outstanding college or university teacher of reading methods or reading-related courses.

43. ISTE+ASCD Distinguished Educator Preparation Program Award

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Preservice teachers
  • Awarder: ISTE+ASCD
  • Award type and size: Engraved plaque, one-year individual ISTE or ASCD membership, recognition at the co-located ISTELive  + ASCD Annual Conference and on the ISTE+ASCD website, $500 travel stipend to attend ISTELive + ASCD Annual, complimentary registration for ISTELive + ASCD Annual ($895 value), chance to be featured in a panel or session at ISTELive + ASCD Annual, and opportunities to contribute such as presenting a webinar, participating in a podcast, or being highlighted in an article
  • Application/nomination process: Online application

The ISTE+ASCD Distinguished Educator Preparation Award honors preservice teachers who demonstrate innovative approaches to integrating technology in teacher preparation with clear evidence of impact on their skills, foster a collaborative culture that emphasizes continuous professional learning among faculty and teacher candidates, and show commitment to equitable learning opportunities through program design, implementation, and outcomes that can serve as a model for other institutions.

44. ISTE+ASCD 20 to Watch Award

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Early-career educators
  • Awarder: ISTE+ASCD
  • Award type and size: Engraved plaque, one-year individual ISTE or ASCD membership, complimentary registration to ISTELive 25+ASCD Annual Conference virtual conferences ($295 value), recognition at the colocated ISTELive 25+ASCD Annual Conference  and ISTE+ASCD website, and opportunities to contribute such as presenting a webinar, participating in a podcast, or being highlighted in an article
  • Application/nomination process: You can apply online.

The ISTE+ASCD 20 to Watch Award recognizes 20 early-career educators who are already making a difference through their work by exemplifying excellence in creating transformational experiences for students.

45. James Madison Memorial Fellowship

  • Eligible subjects: American constitution and government
  • Eligible grades: Secondary school
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Students of the American constitution and government
  • Awarder: The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
  • Award type and size: $24,000 in tuition
  • Application/nomination process: Online applications

The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation offers $24,000 James Madison Graduate Fellowships to individuals who desire to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution at the secondary school level. This is America’s most prestigious educator award in constitutional history and government for secondary-school teachers.

46. Jostens Renaissance Educator of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Various educators
  • Awarder: Jostens Renaissance Education
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The Jostens Renaissance Educator of the Year award recognizes outstanding individuals who have excelled in implementing best practices in affirmation and recognition to impact their school cultures and who have been instrumental in being a catalyst for positive change in their school.

47. KDP & ATE National Student Teacher/Intern of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Student teachers and interns
  • Awarder: Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) and the Association Teacher Educators (ATE)
  • Award type and size: National recognition, at least one speaking engagement, and $2,000
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations

The KDP & ATE National Student Teacher/Intern of the Year recognizes a student teacher/intern who has demonstrated the ability to plan and development classroom management skills and instructional strategies that support all students, establish interpersonal relationships with students, parents, faculty, and staff, and reflect powerfully on their student teaching experience.

48. Kinder Excellence in Teaching Award (KETA)

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: Houston, TX
  • Other eligibility criteria: Certain Houston-area schools
  • Awarder: Kinder Foundation
  • Award type and size: Grants
  • Application/nomination process

The Kinder Excellence in Teaching Award (KETA) recognizes Houston-area innovative and results-oriented teaching and raises awareness of the importance of effective and committed teachers in the KIPP Texas Public Schools-Houston, YES Prep Public Schools, Teach for America-Houston, and Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston networks.

49. Library Journal (LJ) Librarian of the Year Award

  • Eligible subjects: N/A
  • Eligible grades: N/A
  • Geographic eligibility: All North America
  • Other eligibility criteria: Working professional librarians in any type of library
  • Awarder: Library Journal (LJ)
  • Award type and size: $2,500
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by professionals, trustees, administrators, officials, colleagues, and library users

The LJ Librarian of the Year Award honors a professional librarian for their outstanding achievement and accomplishments reflecting the loftiest service goals of the library profession including free access to information for all, the encouragement of reading and the creation of inducements to greater use of books and other library materials and information sources, the enhancement and expansion of library service to all areas and constituencies in the community, and the strengthening of the library role and position in the community.

50. Library of Congress Literacy Awards Program

  • Eligible subjects: N/A
  • Eligible grades: N/A
  • Geographic eligibility: Global
  • Other eligibility criteria: Organizations
  • Awarder: The Library of Congress
  • Award type and size: Cash prizes from $5,000 to $150,000
  • Application/nomination process: Online application

The Library of Congress Literacy Awards Program aims to honor organizations that have made outstanding contributions to increasing literacy in the US or abroad and to encourage the continuing development of innovative methods for combating illiteracy and the wide dissemination of the most effective practices in this regard.

51. Milken Educator Awards

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: Elementary and secondary school
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Early-to-middle-career education professionals
  • Awarder: The Milken Family Foundation
  • Award type and size: $25,000 unrestricted awards
  • Application/nomination process: Confidential selection process

The Milken Educator Awards reward and inspire excellence in the world of education by honoring top early-to-middle-career educators for their already impressive achievements and promising future accomplishments.

52. Music Educator Award

  • Eligible subjects: Music
  • Eligible grades: K-12 and college
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Full-time educators who teach music at public and private schools
  • Awarder: The Recording Academy and the GRAMMY Museum
  • Award type and size: Attendance of the GRAMMY Awards, receipt of the the Music Educator Award at a ceremony during GRAMMY Week, and $10,000 personal honorarium
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by teachers, school administrators, Recording Academy members, students, parents, and everyone else

The Music Educator Award of the Recording Academy and the GRAMMY Museum recognizes current educators who have made a significant and lasting contribution to the field of music education and who demonstrate a commitment to the broader cause of maintaining music education at school.

53. National Art Education Association (NAEA) Awards

  • Eligible subjects: Art
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: NAEA members
  • Awarder: The National Art Education Association (NAEA)
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by NAEA members, state/province associations, and NAEA interest groups

The NAEA Awards program aims to celebrate outstanding art educators, focus professional attention on quality art education and exemplary art educators, increase public awareness of the importance of quality art education, set standards for quality art education and show they can be achieved, provide tangible recognition of achievement, earn respect of colleagues, and enhance professional opportunities.

54. National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Outstanding Biology Teacher Award (OBTA)

  • Eligible subjects: Biology and life science
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations and applications

The NABT Outstanding Biology Teacher Award (OBTA) recognizes teachers for their expertise in biology education, contributions to the profession, and service to the NABT, life science teaching, or leadership in learning communities.

55. National Board Certification

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
  • Award type and size: Certification
  • Application/nomination process: Online portfolio submission

The National Board Certification aims to develop, retain, and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. This is the highest certification a teacher can obtain.

56. National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) Awards Program

  • Eligible subjects: Geography
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: NCGE members
  • Awarder: The National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE)
  • Award type and size: Different awards and research grants
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The NCGE Awards Program comprises a few service and teaching awards and research grant awards that aim to recognize educators and advocates who have made outstanding contributions to geography education.

57. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Educator Awards

  • Eligible subjects: English language arts and literacy
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Some awards require NCTE membership.
  • Awarder: The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
  • Award type and size: Different rewards
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The NCTE Educator Awards include a few different awards that are presented each year to recognize outstanding teachers of English language arts and literacy and support teachers’ efforts to enhance their knowledge and teaching skills.

58. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Lifetime Achievement Award

  • Eligible subjects: Mathematics
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: NCTM members
  • Awarder: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations need to include a letter of nomination, supporting materials, resume, and letters of recommendation.

Every year, the NCTM Lifetime Achievement Award honors up to two NCTM members who have exhibited a lifetime of achievement in mathematics education at the national level.

59. National Distinguished Principal (NDP) Program

  • Eligible subjects: N/A
  • Eligible grades: PreK-8
  • Geographic eligibility: All states and overseas
  • Other eligibility criteria: Principals
  • Awarder: The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The National Distinguished Principal (NDP) Program honors a number of outstanding elementary- and middle-level principals from across the nation, in both public and US overseas schools, who ensure that America’s children acquire a sound foundation for lifelong learning and achievement.

60. National Education Association (NEA) Foundation Travelers Insurance Awards for Teaching Excellence

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Public school educators
  • Awarder: The NEA Association and Travelers Insurance
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by the NEA state affiliates

Each year, the NEA Foundation Travelers Insurance Award for Teaching Excellence recognizes exceptional K-12 public school educators from around the country for excellence in the classroom, dedication to family and community engagement, commitment to equity and diversity, and advocacy for the teaching profession.

61. National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipends

  • Eligible subjects: Humanities
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Only one faculty member per institution
  • Awarder: The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
  • Award type and size: Up to $8,000
  • Application/nomination process: Institutions can nominate no more than one faculty member.

The NEH Summer Stipends program aims to provide small awards to individuals pursuing advanced research of value to humanities scholars and/or general audiences, support research projects at any state of development, and fund a wide range of individuals including independent scholars, community college faculty, and non-teaching staff at universities.

62. National History Day (NHD) Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: History
  • Eligible grades: Middle and high school
  • Geographic eligibility: Global
  • Other eligibility criteria: NHD affiliate schools
  • Awarder: The National History Day (NHD)
  • Award type and size: $10,000 cash prize
  • Application/nomination process: NHD affiliate programs can nominate one middle-school teacher and one high-school teacher per year.

The NHD Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year honors two outstanding history educators each year.

63. National Rural Education Association (NREA) Teacher of the Year Award

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: Rural locations
  • Other eligibility criteria: Rural teachers
  • Awarder: The National Rural Education Association (NREA)
  • Award type and size: $2,000 honorarium to the winner, one-year NREA membership, and $1,000 to the winner’s school district for the purchase of instructional materials and school supplies
  • Application/nomination process: Online nomination

The NREA Teacher of the Year Award aims to honor a rural teacher for their significant contribution to education and congratulate them for their awards and recognitions.

64. National Science Foundation (NSF) Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)

  • Eligible subjects: STEM including computer science
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Teaching STEM at the 7-12 grade level in public or private school, being a full-time employee of their school or school district, and having 5+ years experience of full-time employment as a K-12 teacher
  • Awarder: The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the White House
  • Award type and size: Certificate signed by the President of the United States, $10,000, all-expenses paid trip to a recognition event including an award ceremony and opportunities to meet with policymakers in a series of professional development activities, and access to the alumni network and the opportunity to build lasting partnerships with colleagues across the nation
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations and applications

The NSF Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) is the nation’s highest honors for teachers of STEM including computer science.

65. National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: High school
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Teachers, counselors, and administrators
  • Awarder: The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS)
  • Award type and size: $5,000
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by NSHSS members

The NSHSS Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction acknowledges high-school teachers, counselors, and administrators who have made the most significant contribution to the academic career of others.

66. National Writing Project (NWP) Teacher-Leader Badge

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-university
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Teacher leaders
  • Awarder: The National Writing Project (NWP)
  • Award type and size: Badge
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations

The NWP awards badges to educators who have organized, led, and/or taken part in leadership-development events focused on the teacher as leader.

67. NYSAWLA Teacher Leadership Award

  • Eligible subjects: World languages
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: New York State
  • Other eligibility criteria: NYSAWLA members
  • Awarder: The New York State Association of World Language Administrators (NYSAWLA)
  • Award type and size: $500
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The NYSAWLA Teacher Leadership Award recognizes a teacher who has assumed leadership responsibility in some manner during the school year for the department, school, or district.

68. Outstanding Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Teacher Award

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: PLTW members
  • Awarder: Project Lead The Way (PLTW)
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations by members of the educational committee including staff, faculty, administrators, and students and self-nominations

The annual Outstanding PLTW Teacher Award honors and recognizes one teacher from the Project Lead The Way network.

69. Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) Distinguished Educator

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12, college, or university
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Being a PDK member in good standing, having 5 years of employment at a school district, university, or education institution, and demonstrating advancement of education in at least 2 of the 3 core values of PDK
  • Awarder: Phi Delta Kappa (PDK)
  • Award type and size: Certificate of recognition, first access to new PDK resources such as the PDK primers, public recognition on the PDK website, chance to be highlighted in upcoming Heritage Newsletters, and access to exclusive Distinguished Educator merchandise
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by PDK members in good standing

The PDK Distinguished Educator award honors the most prestigious members of the Association and recognizes them for their achievements and contributions to the profession and their commitment to the core values of research, service, and leadership.

70. Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators

  • Eligible subjects: Environmental education and/or environment-based curriculum
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Teaching K-12 on a full-time basis in a public school operated by a local education agency, holding a current state teaching license, having 5+ years of K-12 teaching experience including 3+ years in teaching environmental education and/or environment-based curriculum, and anticipating a classroom teaching assignment involving environmental education for the upcoming school year
  • Awarder: The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Award type and size: Award plaque, $2,500 for professional development in environmental education, and $2,500 for the teacher’s local education agency to fund environmental education activities and programs
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations

The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) present the Presidential Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators to honor, support, and encourage educators who incorporate environmental education in their classrooms and teaching methods.

71. Robert E. Yager Exemplary Teaching Award

  • Eligible subjects: Science
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Full-time teachers
  • Awarder: The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
  • Award type and size: 1,000 towards expenses to attend the NSTA National Conference on Science Education and $1,000 for the awardee
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

Each year, the Robert E. Yager Exemplary Teaching Award recognizes six full-time K-12 science teachers who successfully use innovation and excellence in the classroom.

72. Robert H. Carleton Award for National Leadership in the Field of Science Education

  • Eligible subjects: Science
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Long-standing (10+ years) NSTA members
  • Awarder: The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
  • Award type and size: $5,000, formal citation, freestanding award, and all‐  expenses‐paid trip to attend the NSTA National Conference on Science Education
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations including an abstract, narrative, resume, and photo headshot

The Robert H. Carleton Award for National Leadership in the Field of Science Education, given by the NSTA, recognizes an NSTA member for their outstanding contributions to and leadership in science education at the national level in general and the NSTA in specific. This is the most prestigious award an NSTA member can receive.

73. School Superintendents Association (AASA) National Superintendent of the Year

  • Eligible subjects:N/A
  • Eligible grades: N/A
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: State Superintendents of the Year
  • Awarder: The School Superintendents Association (AASA) in partnership with Sourcewell and Corebridge Financial 
  • Award type and size: National recognition and $10,000 scholarship for the winner’s school
  • Application/nomination process: State superintendent associations can submit nominations, and current State Superintendents of the Year can apply.

The AASA National Superintendent of the Year award recognizes the talent and vision of the individuals who lead the nation’s public schools.

74. Shell Science Teaching Award

  • Eligible subjects: Science
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: Shell USA, Inc. and the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
  • Award type and size: $10,000 and all-expense paid trip to attend NSTA’s National Conference
  • Application/nomination process: Online applications including a resume, schedule, science teaching philosophy, instructional method, and letter of support

The Shell Science Teaching Award, provided by Shell and the NSTA, recognizes an outstanding classroom teacher who has had a positive impact on their students, school, and community through exemplary science teaching.

75. Smithsonian Education Awards

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Smithsonian employees
  • Awarder: The Smithsonian Institutions
  • Award type and size: $5,000
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations/applications

The Smithsonian Education Awards honor the outstanding achievements of Smithsonian employees in education. The educator awards include the Smithsonian Education Achievement Award, the Smithsonian Innovation & Access Award, and the One Smithsonian Education Award.

76. State Teacher of the Year Awards

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility
  • Other eligibility criteria
  • Awarder: State-level education bodies
  • Award type and size: Most importantly, nomination for the National Teacher of the Year (NTOY) award
  • Application/nomination process: Usually nominations by school peers

Every year, each state runs its own process to elect one truly outstanding teacher and recognize them as Teacher of the Year to participate in the competition for the National Teacher of the Year (NTOY) Award, the highest educator award within the US.

77. Terrel H. Bell Award

  • Eligible subjects: N/A
  • Eligible grades: N/A
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Principals
  • Awarder: The U.S. Department of Education, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, the Association for Middle Level Education, and the National Association of Secondary School Principals
  • Award type and size: National recognition
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by school communities during the final stages of the National Blue Ribbon Schools application process

The Terrel H. Bell Award recognizes outstanding school leaders and the vital role they play in guiding students and schools to excellence, frequently under challenging circumstances.

78. The Henry Ford’s Teacher Innovator Awards

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: PreK-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Public, private, and charter school classroom educators and homeschool educators who have been inHub members for at least 90 days
  • Awarder: The Henry Ford
  • Award type and size: All-expenses paid trip to the 2025 RTX Invention Convention U.S. Nationals, where they will have the opportunity to take part in student judging, $3,000 for classroom supplies, and other prizes
  • Application/nomination process: Nominations by an Invention Convention Worldwide Affiliate

The Henry Ford’s Teacher Innovator Awards recognize teachers from the inHub community who inspire their students using innovation or invention education lessons and practices. The three awards include the inHub National Teacher, the Invention Convention Teacher of the Year, and the inHub International Teacher of the Year.

79. Toyota Family Teacher of the Year

  • Eligible subjects: All
  • Eligible grades: All
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Not specified
  • Awarder: The National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) and Toyota
  • Award type and size: Funds for the winner and runner-up’s organizations and innovative teacher-led projects
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations

The Toyota Family Teacher of the Year award recognizes educators from across the nation who use a strong multi-generational approach to learning and focus on building effective family-school partnerships that support student achievement and school improvement.

80. Trailblazing STEM Educator Award

  • Eligible subjects: STEM
  • Eligible grades: K-12
  • Geographic eligibility: All states
  • Other eligibility criteria: Be or become an AIAA Educator Associate member
  • Awarder: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Challenger Center
  • Award type and size: $5,000 award to the educator, $5,000 award to the educator’s school or organization, trip to Washington, DC to be honored at the AIAA Awards Gala, free access to Challenger Center’s STEM education programs, and opportunity to attend a future space launch experience
  • Application/nomination process: Online nominations including biography, nomination basis, and letters of endorsement

The Trailblazing STEM Educator Award celebrates three K-12 educators who go above and beyond to inspire the next generation of explorers and innovators in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

How to Win the Best Educator Awards

The process of awarding the top recognitions for teachers and school administrators varies. In most cases, peer educators, parents, and students can nominate the most deserving teachers by submitting an online form along with supporting documentation such as the educator’s resume, curriculum, and letters of recommendation. In some cases, self-nominations are also possible. Some awards are only available to members of the awarding organization or institution, while others are open to all teachers.

However, being nominated for and receiving one of these most prestigious awards requires years of devotion to the educator profession, extraordinary efforts, and drive to help your students reach their full potential. Some specific steps that you can take in this direction include participating in professional development activities, attending education conferences and events, networking with top peers, cooperating with the district and school administration, collaborating with peer teachers, supporting students, and interacting with families.

Bottom Line

These are the top 80 educator awards that recognize and honor the exceptional work of extraordinary teachers and school administrators. Remember to nominate your peers deserving recognition in their relevant field for the astounding efforts that they put in their work and the contribution that they bring to your institution.